Start | Jama'h |
6.45 | 7.00 |
Sunrise: 8.25
Start | Jama'h |
12.07 | 1.00 |
Start | Jama'h |
2.30 |
Sunset | Jama'h |
3.52 | +5min |
Sunset: 3.52
Start | Jama'h |
7.00 |
Start | Jama'h |
12.30pm | 1.00 pm |
Please donate generously to complete our mosque extension project.
Or pay us by cash in the masjid.
Al-Huda Masjid is a community masjid situated on Legrams Lane in Bradford 7, close to the University of Bradford. The masjid has capacity for six hundred worshippers, with the potential for another three hundred worshippers once the development of the basement floor is completed. On average the masjid is used by approximately three hundred people every week. Programmes are delivered in the masjid in both English and Urdu.
Al-Huda Masjid was founded in the year 2000 by Mohammed Akbar, Mahmood Hussain and Abdur Rashid. The masjid building was formerly a Methodist church dating from the late 19th century / early 1900’s. The masjid was officially opened on 23rd November 2000. The layout of the building was perfect for the purpose of a masjid, with two large prayer halls, a separate entrance for sisters, a number of classrooms, kitchen facilities and bathrooms.